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Company > The Future

Lasertag is the tip of the iceberg. It hasn't even kicked in yet as a phenomena. This type of activity is going to continue as long as we evolve as a species. Lasertag is physical, primal and embraces technology. There are almost no other activities which are both sport and computer game. It supports two great leisure industry markets - those who desire to be physically active and those who desire to escape into the world of computer inspired imagination. It is a unique and very powerful combination. It is for these reasons it is here to stay and not a fad.

The idea of fully interactive real space, real time computer controlled environments has been an obsession of sci-fi writers for decades. Portrayals of simulations which you can actually be inside and really physically interact with are abundant in literature and film and illuminate the imaginations of vast numbers of us. Lasertag is the beginnings of this technology and DarkLight are continually pushing the boundaries.

The route to getting us closer to this vision lies in the environment. The more controllable and the more interactive the environment, the greater the ability to simulate, the easier the suspension of disbelief becomes. It is with this in mind that DarkLight develops its products.

DarkLight has set bench marks in the lasertag industry for twelve years now and it is our mandate to continue to be at the forefront of product innovation in order to realise our vision of the future.